Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Ya Fatima az-Zahra, 'We will never forget the unborn Martyr'

Ya Fatima az-Zahra, 'We will never forget the unborn Martyr'
When writing about the greatness of any personality, one needs a gold standard with which to compare the strengths and weaknesses of that individual. However, if that person is herself the gold standard, then it makes it impossible to adequately describe her greatness.
Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was such a personality. Her merits are unmatched by any woman known in history and Allah (SWT) himself testifies in Noble Qur'an about her purity and piety.
It is related that Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (as) said: "Fatima has nine names near (to) Allah (SWT), they are: Fatima, As-Siddiqa (the honest), Al-Mubarakah (the blessed one), At- Tahirah (virtuous), Az-Zakiyah (the chaste), Ar-Radhiyatul-Mardhiah (who is gratified and shall be satisfied), Al-Muhaddathah (the one to whom angels speak) and Az-Zahra (the splendid)."
Her father, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "Fatima is part of me - whatever makes her angry makes me angry, and whatever pleases her pleases me."
Fatima az-Zahra is a female created by Allah (SWT) to be a sign of His marvelous and unprecedented Might. For, the Almighty Lord created Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) as a sign of His among the Prophets; and created from him a daughter, Fatima az-Zahra, to be a Sign of His ability to create a female possessing all moral excellence and talents. In fact, Allah (SWT) the Almighty bestowed Fatima az-Zahra with a vast share of greatness and high level of majesty, which no other woman can ever claim to have reached.
She is the one from whose progeny eleven (11) Infallible Imams came. She herself was purified and infallible, granted divine knowledge, bestowed with wisdom, reasoning, intellect and Grace.

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